#Facilitators' Guide ###Privacy Workshops 12-13 November, Palawan\\ 26-27 November, NCR 22-23 October 2015\\ Davao City 1-2 October 2015\\ Bacolod City ###Introduction The series of workshops on privacy is an exercise in participatory rule-making. It aims to formulate privacy-related rules that concretize, refine, and enhance the provisions of the ehealth privacy guidelines from the perspective of healthcare practitioners, support staff, healthcare managers, patients, and other stakeholders. Special attention is given to the diversity of practices and healthcare settings. The resulting rules will serve as materials for Privacy IRRs and Healthcare Facility Protocols. ###Objectives * provide synoptic orientation on privacy guidelines for health information * devise set of rules (SoR) that will serve as basis for the IRRs of the Privacy Guidelines and Healthcare Facility Protocols * identify emerging concerns and issues in ehealth privacy ###Program See [[privacy_workshop_program|Workshop Program]]\\ \\ ###Logistical Requirements 1. four (4) rooms or areas\\ 2. four (4) sets of manila paper, pentel pens\\ 3. four (4) projectors\\ 4. four (4) sets of color-coded meta cards (1 color per group), scotch tape\\ 5. Internet connection\\ \\ \\ ###Facilitators and Areas of Concerns **Station 1**. Collection and Processing of Health Information - Ms. Aida Cuadra\\ **Station 2**. Access of Health Information - Mr. Rey Verdolaga\\ **Station 3**. Uses and Disclosure of Health Information - Atty Ivy Patdu / Al Alegre\\ **Station 4**. Data Security - Mr. Kit Sumabat\\ \\ \\ ###Workshop Mechanics ##Methodology **Modified World Cafe** [(For further notes on the design, see [[http://www.theworldcafe.com/key-concepts-resources/design-principles|Design Principles]]. [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Café_(conversational_process|Wiki here]]. )] \\ Overall Workflow: Four (4) groups (of about 10 participants) working at 4 Stations. Each Station is assigned to a facilitator who specializes on a particular set of privacy concerns. A raporteur moves with each group, documenting the process and the suggested privacy rules. One participant stays at a Station to help provide context of discussions from previous groups for the group currently tackling the issues. Participants write notes online using their own access devices. Online backchannel (hack.chat/?peg) is available for coordination. Individual Station page is at (to be provided on site). If online connection goes bad, manila paper will do . ###Time Allotment Per Stop First Stop: 1 hr (simultaneous for all Stations) \\ Second, Third, Fourth Stops: 30 mins each\\ Final Stop (Back to Starting Point): Plenary / Synthesis - 2:30-4pm\\ Preparation for Creative Presentation: 4-5pm\\ ###First Stop Outline (60 mins): 20 mins - Discussion by Facilitator of Key Provisions under Each Major Heading of the Privacy Guidelines (One Heading Per Station. See Above Section on Facilitators and Areas of Concerns)\\ 40 mins - Q & A ###Succeeding Stops (**30 mins** each Stop):\\ 10 mins - Identification of Personal Identifiable Information/Sensitive Personal Information related to the Heading \\ 10 mins - Identification of Privacy gaps based on the provisions under the Heading\\ 10 mins - Proposed concerns, rules, provisions for inclusion in the Set of Rules (SoR)\\ ##Materials 1. Draft AO on Privacy Guidelines\\ 2. Consolidated Materials from the Bacolod/Davao Workshops ##Further Readings 1. Summary of Issues from DOH ManOps * Hospital Property and Supply Management Manual * Manual for Medical Social Workers 5th Edition * Manual of Orgranization and Management of the Administrative and Finance Service for Hospital 2 * Manual of Standards and Guidelines on the Management of the Hospital Emergency Department 2 * National Standards in Infection Control for Healthcare Facilities * Hospital Nursing Service Administrative Manual * Hospital Nutrition and Dietetics Service Management Manual * A manual of Operation for Small Hospitals * Hospital Health Information Management Manual (formerly Hospital Records Management Manual) * Hospital Pharmacy Management Manual * Laboratory and Radiology Manuals 2. Participant-Submitted Hospital Forms (to be requested from confirmed participants)\\ 3. Participant-Submitted Hospital ManOps (to be requested from confirmed participants) ##Facilitators On-Site Conferences October 22, Davao; October 1, Bacolod workshop synthesis process participants' feedback identify gaps in issues raised and ensure they'll be addressed in the next workshop adjustments for next workshops ##Good Facilitator * "laymanizes" technical terms and concepts * draws insights, information, comments from participants * self-check for over-indulgence \\ ##Good Documenter * good notetaking skills * gives honest feedback to facilitator and content expert re level of engagement among participants -- ##See Also * [[consolidated_workshop_outputs|Consolidated Workshop Outputs]] * [[http://storm.serbizhub.net:9001/p/workshopdesign|Workshop Design Notes]] * [[http://storm.serbizhub.net:9001/p/privacy_workshops_-_cap_prop|Draft Capsule Proposal]] \\ \\ \\