#Privacy Interests in EMRs Rationale * No EMRs, no electronic health record to share, no potential for privacy breach of electronic health records. While paper-based patient information may also be shared illegitimately, electronic records magnify the ease and reach of unauthorized sharing or privacy breach. * greater potential for privacy breach, greater need for accountability * privacy and data security are intertwined ###Privacy By Default and Design * Access Roles (encoders, managers, supervisors, doctors, nurses, PhilHealth, other PHIE operators): Data Warehouse vs Shared Patient Records * Encryption (data at rest, transmission, sharing, backup) * Masking, Hiding, Password (identify data fields to be hidden, masked fully or partially to whom?) * Audit Trail (access to logs; authority to copy, download, delete logs) * Use Cases for Data Dumps * Privacy Breach (definition, monitoring, reporting) * Authority, Accountability (who does what?: breach monitoring & reporting; data field masking, data download, data backup) * Roles of data custodian, processessor, encoders * privacy provisions in employment contracts of EMR operators * Privacy Policy Statement (institution's website) * data retention and processing policies \\ \\